AltexSoft Georgia

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„AltexSoft“ — ეს არის საერთაშორისო IT-კომპანია, რომელსაც აქვს ხუთი ოფისი და წარმომადგენლობა უკრაინასა და აშშ -ში

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We offer work not on a project, but in a company

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2007 წლიდან ჩვენ ვეხმარებით ჩვენს კლიენტებს გახდნენ უფრო კონკურენტუნარიანი ტექნიკური გადაწყვეტილებების შემუშავების საფუძველზე. ჩვენ დავიწყეთ 160 -ზე მეტი დიდი პროექტი.

თითოეულ მათგანში ჩვენ ვცდილობდით გამოგვეყენებინა სასარგებლო პროდუქტი, მისი ეფექტურად დანერგვა, ალბათ ისე, როგორც ადრე არავის გაუკეთებია. ეს არის ჩვენი გლობალური ფასეულობები და საქართველოში ამოცანაა განვავითაროთ ადგილობრივი IT ბაზარი, რათა ქართველმა ინჟინრებმა ასევე მიიღონ მსოფლიო პროექტებთან მუშაობის შესაძლებლობა.

ჩვენი ექსპერტიზის ცენტრები

Travel & Transportation


Data & Analytics

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ჩვენ ვქმნით გადაწყვეტილებებს და არა კოდს

ჩვენ არ ვეძახით „AltexSoft“–ის სპეციალისტებს დასაქმებულებს. ისინი ჩვენი თანამშრომლები და პარტნიორები არიან.

ჩვენ ერთად ვწყვეტთ როგორ გავხადოთ პროექტი უფრო ეფექტური და ერთად ვართ პასუხისმგებელი შედეგზე. ჩვენ ვირჩევთ იმ პროექტებს, რომლებიც გვაძლევს საინტერესო გამოცდილებას და იძლევა განვითარების საშუალებას, მოითხოვს არასტანდარტულ მიდგომას და მნიშვნელოვანია დამკვეთისათვის. ეს სამუშაო გაძლევთ არა მხოლოდ შემოსავალს, არამედ განცდას, რომ თქვენ ნამდვილად ასრულებთ მნიშვნელოვან საქმეს.

პროექტები მიდის — გუნდი რჩება

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«AltexSoft»–ის დიდი გუნდი ღებულობს თანამშრომლებს არა პროექტზე, არამედ კომპანიაში. ჩვენთან არ იქნება ისე, რომ პროექტი დასრულდა და თქვენ უნდა ეძებოთ ახალი სამუშაო ადგილი. უპირველეს ყოვლისა, ჩვენ ვაფასებთ იმ ადამიანებს, ვინც ჩვენთან ერთად გრძელი გზა გაიარეს და ჩვენ არ ვართ მიდრეკილნი მათ ასე ადვილად დავშორდეთ.

ჩვენი მართვის სტილში ჩვენ ვაერთიანებთ ორ თვისებას – პროფესიული ზრდის ხელშეწყობას და კომფორტული გარემოს შექმნას.


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შეარჩიეთ რთული პროექტები (challenging projects), რომლებიც საინტერესოა ჩვენთვის და სასარგებლოა ბიზნესისთვის

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ჩვენ ვიხდით კონკურენტულ ანაზღაურებას, ღიად განვიხილავთ მას და დროდადრო გადავხედავთ

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ხელს უწყობთ senior, lead და სხვა კარიერული მიზნების მისაღწევად

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ჩვენ გთავაზობთ “Pluralsight knowledge base”-ზე და შიდა ლექციებზე უფასო წვდომას


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გეპატიჟებით კოლორკინგის სივრცეში, მოსახერხებელი დისკუსიებისთვის და ყოველდღიური ამოცანებისთვის

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ჩვენ ვაძლევთ მასალების (რომლებიც რეგულარულად განახლდება) ტექნიკურ და მენეჯერულ ბიბლიოთეკაზე წვდომას

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ვატარებთ „English speaking clubs“-ს

Here, you’ll do more than joining something—you’ll add something

ჩვენი გუნდისათვის ვეძებთ ადამიანებს ნებისმიერი დონის მომზადებით, რადგან ჩვენ შეგვიძლია გავაერთიანოთ გამოცდილება და ენთუზიაზმი.

უმაღლესი დონის სპეციალისტებს აქვთ შესაძლებლობა გაუზიარონ თავიანთი ცოდნა და გამოიყენონ მათთვის მოსახერხებელი და იშვიათი ტექნიკური გადაწყვეტილებები.

დამწყებები მიიღებენ ბიბლიოთეკებზე, ლექციებზე და მენტორულ კულტურაზე წვდომას.


Skilled Warrior


ერთის მხრივ, ჩვენ ვეძებთ პროფესიონალებს, რომლებსაც არ ექნებათ ისეთი კითხვები როგორიცა “ეს როგორ მუშაობს? ანუ ისეთ სპეციალისტებზეა საუბარი, რომლებსაც აქვთ კარგი ტექნიკური მომზადება, დიდი გამოცდილება და სურვილი დაუყოვნებლივ შეუდგნენ საქმეს და ყველაფერი სწორად გააკეთონ. ამ როლში ასევე აუცილებელია საკუთარი გუნდის მენტორინგი, კოლეგების მხარდაჭერა და ტაქტიკური თუ სტრატეგიული იდეების გაზიარება.


Ambitious sergeant


მეორეს მხრივ, ჩვენ ვიწვევთ დეველოპერებს, რომლებიც ახლახან იწყებენ კარიერას React.js, .Net, QA-ში და ეძებენ შესაძლებლობებს, შეიძინონ მოთხოვნადი უნარები.

მიუხედავათ იმისა ხართ თუ არა თქვენ სტუდენტი, რომელიც მომავალ კარიერაზე ფიქრობს, ან დამწყები სპეციალისტი, რომელიც გადამზადებას გადის ახალი სპეციალობით, ჩვენ ვცდილობთ მხარი დავუჭიროთ თქვენს მცდელობებს ჩვენს საერთაშორისო სტაჟირების პროგრამა „AltexSoft Lab“-ში ჩარიცხვის შეთავაზებით.

„AltexSoft Lab“-ი წარმოადგენს 2 თვიან პრაქტიკას სრულ განაკვეთზე სტიპენდიის მიღებით, (უფროსი) მენტორის ხელმძღვანელობის ქვეშ. სტაჟირების წარმატებით გავლის შემდეგ შეგიძლიათ გახდეთ „AltexSoft“-ის სტაჟიორი და განაგრძოთ თქვენი უნარების დაუფლება და კვალიფიკაციის ამაღლება კომპანიის პროექტებში.

რეგისტრაცია ამჟამად დახურულია.

ყველა შესაძლებლობა აქ არის

Lead Data Science/Machine Learning Engineer

You will work with a team of Data Scientists on different ML problems. The main tasks will be DS projects leadership with some hands-on participation, ML consulting, and participating in pre-sales and client engagement activities.
AltexSoft proudly organizes the biggest practical AI conference in Ukraine – AI Ukraine.


Required Skills:

  •  Good knowledge of Machine Learning algorithms and Data Analysis approaches
  •  Good knowledge of Python language, pandas, Scikit-learn, plotly/seaborn, etc.
  •  Good knowledge of databases and SQL
  •  Experience in ML productionalization (Flask or alternative web frameworks, Docker, etc.)
  •  Understanding and ability to work according to CRISP-DM or Scrum for DS methodologies
  •  Team leadership skills and real experience
  •  Experience in DS projects estimation and client engagement process
  •  Experience in client consulting on DS topics
  •  Ability to solve complex algorithmic problems
  •  Willingness to learn new things and grow professionally
  •  At least 3 years of experience in the Data Science area
  •  Upper-Intermediate level of English


Desired Skills:

  •  Experience in RecSys, NLP and/or CV area
  •  Knowledge of Deep Learning, experience with PyTorch or TensorFlow
  •  Experience in NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Redis, etc.)
  •  Experience with MLOps tools
  •  Good knowledge of at least one general-purpose programming language (C++, Java, C#, something else)



  • As a Lead Data Scientist in AltexSoft you will be responsible for designing and leading ML research and engineering using state-of-the-art algorithms and MLOps practices for different projects. You will also participate in client consulting, requirements clarification, solution algorithm creation, and high-level estimates preparation. You will create Proof of Concepts, communicate the ML solutions with clients’ business and technical people and guide technical teams on different stages of the DS process.
  • As part of the Data Science team, you will work in close collaboration with Company’s Sales team, Client’s stakeholders, Company’s and Client’s Technical Teams, Project and Delivery Managers.


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment


Senior DevOps Engineer

We’re looking for a Senior DevOps Engineer who is interested in diving deeper into clients’ business needs, and eager to find the best technical solutions by solving real-world problems. AWS, Terraform (terragrunt), Helm, Flux and Kubernetes are the primary skills

The main goal is to make a workplace a smart place.
The project is leading the workplace’s digital transformation with management tools and insights for data-driven real estate decisions increased operational excellence and enhanced employee experience. If companies need a centralized data-driven platform to make better-informed decisions about their real estate, that’s it. If Enterprises want to plan and manage a more productive and efficient work environment, they’ve come to the right place. And if they want to give their employees a frictionless experience so they can do their best work, we do that too. Engineering Department is a high-performance culture marked by boldness and an appetite for productivity. We’re looking for engineers who thrive on learning new technologies and don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions, who adhere to self-learning and seek new solutions, multiple works in a dynamic environment and integrate multiply scalable, reliable, and secure platforms into several products.



  • 4+ years of hands-on experience with the DevOps approach
  • Practical experience in orchestration by Kubernetes in a key
  • Experience in Kafka
  • Cloud experience with AWS is mandatory
  • Helm and Flux knowledge is a big plus
  • Good Ruby/Python, bash, and scripting fundamentals
  • Experience in design and automating cloud infrastructure
  • Experience with IaaC and provision tools (terraform, terragrunt, ansible)
  • Experience Linux and Windows administration Scripting
  • Experience with Docker Experience
  • Experience with CI/CD practices and tools (Buildkite, Codefresh, CircleCI, etc.)
  • Understanding of secure applications building approaches Networking knowledge
  • Upper-intermediate English Level


Would be a plus:

  • Cloud experience with Azure
  • Hands-on experience with Azure DevOps
  • Knowledge of AWS Well-Architected Framework



  • Work closely with Solutions Architects and development teams, taking part in client engagement and pre-sales through technical consulting and designing of software solutions that meet business needs
  • Take ownership of initiatives, situations, or technical decisions
  •  Plan and implement infrastructure and process improvements
  • Effectively communicate with stakeholders about goals, plans, deliverables, timelines, and the status of your work


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Close collaboration with the client and the ability to influence the result and the process



Data engineering DevOps

We’re looking for a Data engineering DevOps who is interested in diving deeper into clients’ business needs, and eager to find the best technical solutions by solving real-world problems. It is essential to be located in Europe or US for data reasons

The main goal is to make a workplace a smart place.
The project is leading the workplace’s digital transformation with management tools and insights for data-driven real estate decisions increased operational excellence and enhanced employee experience. If companies need a centralized data-driven platform to make better-informed decisions about their real estate, that’s it. If Enterprises want to plan and manage a more productive and efficient work environment, they’ve come to the right place. And if they want to give their employees a frictionless experience so they can do their best work, we do that too. Engineering Department is a high-performance culture marked by boldness and an appetite for productivity. We’re looking for engineers who thrive on learning new technologies and don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions, who adhere to self-learning and seek new solutions, multiple works in a dynamic environment and integrate multiply scalable, reliable, and secure platforms into several products.



  • 4+ years of hands-on experience with the DevOps approach
  • Practical experience in orchestration by Kubernetes in a key
  • Cloud experience with Azure is preferred, but good AWS experience is sufficient if you are ready to learn Azure
  • Experience with ETL/Snowflake/Looker and any DevOps experience in data infrastructure
  • Good Ruby/Python, bash, and scripting fundamentals
  • Experience with IaaC and provision tools (Terraform, Terragrunt, Ansible)
  • Experience Linux and Windows administration Scripting
  • Experience with Docker Enterprise
  • Experience in design and automating cloud infrastructure
  • Experience with CI/CD practices and tools (Buildkite, Codefresh, CircleCI, etc.)
  • Understanding of secure applications building approaches
  • Networking knowledge
  • Upper-intermediate English Level



  •  Design and automate cloud infrastructure and not just administrate/operate it
  • Work closely with Solutions Architects and development teams, taking part in client engagement and pre-sales through technical consulting and designing of software solutions that meet business needs
  • Take ownership of initiatives, situations, or technical decisions
  • Plan and implement infrastructure and process improvements
  • Effectively communicate with stakeholders about goals, plans, deliverables, timelines, and the status of your work


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Close collaboration with the client and the ability to influence the result and the process


Strong Middle/Senior .Net Developer

Digital transformation of the workplace using a cloud-based platform that turns facilities from cost centers into strategic business assets. The system brings management tools and insights to help companies execute data-driven real estate decisions, increase operational excellence, and enhance employee experience. We’re looking for a Software Engineer who thrives on learning new technologies and doesn’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. You should be able to adapt easily to meet the needs of our massive growth and rapidly evolving business environment. You will work in a dynamic environment, integrating multiply scalable, reliable, and secure platforms into several products.



  • Experience building complex .Net applications and cloud services
  • Knowledge of .NET ASP.NET Core and C#
  • EDA. Kafka
  • Microservices and Windows client WinForms
  • Strong fundamentals in domain-driven design and object-oriented programming.
  • Understanding of how to implement secure, scalable, and observable systems.
  • Experience with Agile development methods. Experience with Autodesk plug-in
  • Experience building integrations with AutoCAD, Revit, Forge, or BIM 360


Would be a plus:

  • Experience with SVG, PDF, and raster formats.
  • Experience with Microsoft Azure and Outlook API.
  • Experience building server-side APIs with Java, Spring Framework, and REST or GraphQL.
  • Working knowledge of the modern web development stack: JavaScript, React, REST APIs.



  • Development of a microservices platform based on an existing monolithic application Interaction with other platform developers’ team’s Participation in SCRUM ceremonies. You need to understand AutoCAD because we are looking .Net developer who will operate extensions for AutoCAD/AutoDesk (they are writing on .NET)


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment


Product Manager

Our client is a big Israel company focused on development and innovations in the hotel industry.
Under this account, we have several projects united by a common cause and infrastructure.
These projects are in different stages – some in development and some in maintenance.

Two of them are of the highest priority One is the next-level state-of-the-art API framework having features to handle the entire hotel booking process. Dock connects you to hundreds of hotel suppliers with over 700,000 hotels worldwide. With Dock, you’ll get better results matching real-time images, rates, availability, and all room-related information.
Product provides a complete booking flow for partners. Once a partner is done with the integration, a partner needs to perform a certification test in order to get access to our Live APIs.
Another solution is an innovative startup that is aimed at helping parties to solve their partnerships’ issues by providing them with various sets of analytic, communication, and collaboration tools within one platform.
The infrastructure for these projects is vast and has around 60 server clusters.


We are looking for a person that can:

  • Make an overview of the existing delivery state of the solution
  • Understand outstanding challenges and their priorities
  • Understand resources, their capacity, and efficiency
  • Collaboratively develop a strategic plan for products delivery



  • 5+years of experience in product design or engineering
  • Strong experience in a dynamic product management role
  • Proven experience overseeing all elements of the product development lifecycle
  • Highly effective cross-functional team management
  • Previous experience delivering finely-tuned product marketing strategies
  • Exceptional writing and editing skills combined with strong presentation and public speaking skills



  •  Drive the product and business-planning process across cross-functional teams of the company
  • Analyze consumer needs, current market trends, and potential partnerships from an ROI and build vs. buy perspective
  • Assess current competitor offerings, seeking opportunities for differentiation
  • Analyze product requirements and develop appropriate programs to ensure they’re successful achieved
  • Develop, implement, and maintain production timelines across multiple departments
  • Appraise new product ideas and strategize appropriate to-market plans


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Junior+/Middle QA Engineer with knowladge Hebrew

We are looking for a Junior+/Middle QA Engineer with a basic understanding of Quality Assurance processes, experience in Web applications/API testing, eagerness to learn, and ability to communicate in Hebrew and English with the client. Self-motivated and capable to work independently.


About the project:

The client is an Israel public-traded tourism company. The product is a Backend aggregator of booking service providers.



  • 2+ years of experience in WEB/API testing
  • Basic understanding of the testing process
  • Experience in testing WEB/Backend
  • Basic knowledge of SQL
  • Understanding the Test Plan its purpose and content
  • Experience in writing/updating check-lists/test-cases
  • Working experience in Agile development teams
  • Understanding of SDLC
  • Upper-Intermediate English (written and spoken)
  • Intermediate Hebrew


Would be a plus:

  • Experience in the Travel domain
  • Self-motivated, capable of working both independently
  • Diploma or Degree in Computer Science or related



  • Functional/Non-functional testing of the application
  • Creating and updating existing test documentation
  • Participation in tasks estimation
  • Tests execution, analysis, and reporting
  • Requirements and specifications analysis
  • Defects logging
  • Collaboration with the other team members
  • Work with Developers during the entire product lifecycle, Participate in the Agile/SCRUM process
  • Communication with foreign customers


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


WPF Developer

AltexSoft helps to build a cloud-based airline operations management solution that streamlines and optimizes aircraft and crew utilization for airlines of any operations type and size. The system is transforming the air transport industry by streamlining information technology departments and allowing collaboration anywhere, anytime from any Internet-enabled device.

Now the client are moving from Silverlight and building the back-end on .Net 6 and they want to build a desktop app for theirs existing clients.



  • Experience with WPF
  • Experience with Silverlight
  • .Net Core deep knowledge
  • Experience with WCF
  • SQL databases


Would be a plus:

  • Angular



  • Creating WPF application, moving from Silverlight using best practices
  •  Re-factoring/re-architecture in the most complex areas


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Senior Automation QA

We’re looking for an experienced Sr. QA Engineer and teammate who thrives on learning new technologies and don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. You should be able to adapt easily to meet the needs of our massive growth and our rapidly evolving business environment. You will work in a dynamic environment, integrating multiple scalable, reliable, and secure platforms into several products. We are looking for someone who embraces self-learning and seeks new solutions.



  • Strong knowledge of Quality Assurance methodologies, including Test Management and requirements traceability.
  • Strong experience in writing clear٫ concise and comprehensive test plans and test cases
  • Understanding of regression and functional testing, as well as test and bugs cycle
  • Strong analytical skills and smart approach to problems
  • Proficiency in writing clean, modular, reusable code using design patterns
  • Experience designing test structures that are easily maintainable, resilient, performant, and scalable
  • Proficiency in identifying and analyzing the root cause of complex bugs in your and others’ code.
  • In-depth knowledge and experience in Web & API qualification and automation testing using technologies
  • Testing Mobile Applications is a Huge Plus
  • Working knowledge of Selenium suite of tools or any object-oriented automation tool
  • Test Automation Framework implementation and/or working knowledge
  • Strong Python / Java development experience.
  • Having a strong database background including SQL
  • Working knowledge of Test management tools such as TestRail, Quality Center, etc
  • Experience with CI/CD frameworks and testing in continuous integration ( CircleCI, AWS Pipelines)
  • Experience with Agile+Scrum SDLC methodologies, including Git, Jira, planning poker, etc
  • You’re a great teammate, participating in design and code reviews, pairing, and mentoring as needed to make the team better.
  • Excellent oral and written English communication skills.


Would be a plus:

  • Basic knowledge or working experience with AWS
  • Prior experience testing ETL, Machine Learning
  • Prior experience with  Jmeter



  • Develop, automate and maintain highly effective test plans, test cases during each sprint of the Agile life cycle in a continuous integration environment
  • Automate the functional test cases using a suite of tools like Cypress, Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium Grid, and Selenium WebDriver
  • Implement test scripts in the Test Automation Framework. Improve automated tests, framework and toolsets to meet best practices and standards.
  • Create, maintain and execute the test scripts, fix the errors, and debug the test scripts
  • Participate in all Scrum ceremonies, representing QA to provide estimates, test status, and risk assessment.
  • Perform manual and automated test runs.
  • Work with Developers and DevOps to add the scripts in the CI/CD
  • Defining and exporting test results and generating reports
  • Work with the Head of Engineering and colleagues to define processes and strategies associated with manual and automated testing strategies.
  • Plan test schedules or strategies per project scope/delivery dates.
  • Participate in product design reviews to provide input on functional requirements, product designs, schedules, or potential problems


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Engineering Manager

Our client is a big Israel company focused on development and innovations in the hotel industry. Under this account, we have several projects united by common cause and infrastructure. These projects are in different stages – some in development and some in maintenance. Two of them are of the highest priority One is the next-level state-of-the-art API framework having features to handle the entire hotel booking process. Dock connects you to hundreds of hotel suppliers with over 700,000 hotels worldwide. With Dock, you’ll get better results matching real-time images, rates, availability, and all room-related information. Product provides a complete booking flow for partners. Once a partner is done with the integration, a partner needs to perform a certification test in order to get access to our Live APIs. Another solution is an innovative startup that is aimed at helping parties to solve their partnerships’ issues by providing them with various sets of analytic, communication, and collaboration tools within one platform. The infrastructure for these projects is vast and has around 60 server clusters.

We are looking for Technical Engineering Manager (Solution Architect).


Project technical details:

  • #C, .NET
  • Web services
  • Entity framework
  • Microservices architecture
  • Scrum
  • Azure DevOps



  • Make an overview of existing delivery state of solution
  • Understand outstanding challenges and their priorities
  • Understand resources, their capacity, and efficiency
  • Collaboratively develop a strategic plan for products delivery
  • 5+years of experience in product design or engineering
  • Strong experience in a dynamic product management role
  • Proven experience overseeing all elements of the product development lifecycle
  • Highly effective cross-functional team management



  • Drive the product and business-planning process across cross-functional teams of the company
  • Analyze consumer needs, current market trends, and potential partnerships from an ROI and build vs. buy perspective
  • Assess current competitor offerings, seeking opportunities for differentiation
  • Analyze product requirements and develop appropriate programs to ensure they’re successful achieved
  • Develop, implement, and maintain production timelines across multiple departments
  • Appraise new product ideas and strategize appropriate to-market plans


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Product Analyst

Our client is seeking a Product Analyst In this role you will assess product opportunities and work with UX & Engineering teams to discover solutions that deliver the very best outcomes for our users, our clients, and our business.

We’re developing Business-to-Business-for-Employees (B2B4E) travel management platform, companies and governments rely on us to keep their people connected – anywhere, anytime, anyhow – and across six continents, we provide their employees with innovative technology and an efficient, safe, and secure travel experience.



  • GDS Knowledge is required, preferably Amadeus
  • Travel Industry experience is required
  • Internal Frontline experience preferred
  • Business analysis experience, preferably with agile development methodologies.
  • Experience in collecting, analyzing, and presenting recommendations to management.
  • Exceptional time management & organizational skills
  • Asks insightful questions from stakeholders
  • Methodical & analytical
  • Keen sense of organization, delivery timeliness, end product quality, and accuracy
  • Proven ability to interface between the business and IT – understanding the business requirements and how to translate them into technical specifications
  • Ability to work & think independently and develop concepts
  • Extremely self-motivated
  • Ability to find creative solutions to overcome obstacles
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills – communicates information concisely and clearly across geographies and teams
  • Detail-oriented with a focus on delivery timelines, product quality, and accuracy.



  • Research new product opportunities
  • Support the product team in collecting data and requirements in the opportunity assessment phase
  • Work with business analysis and technical counterparts from other product groups to create holistic requirements with clear criteria for success & expected outcomes
  • Participate in continuous product discovery process to evaluate, ideate, design, prototype, test and validate solutions prior to committing heavy development resources.
  • Create user stories or requirements that define what needs to be built and ensure that they accurately reflect solution design and business needs
  • Validate that development implementation adheres to requirements
  • Production troubleshooting & support
  • Drive product instrumentation and analytics strategy to build a thorough understanding of product usage, improvement opportunities and the value of new features delivered.


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Technical Business Analyst

As a Technical Business Analyst, you will work as part of a team with the goal to deliver enhanced and personalized experience to our travellers, meet the needs of our corporate customers and support sustainable relationship with our suppliers. You will work and interface with other teams contributing to the development of CWT’s capabilities, all sharing the same core values: Integrity, Leadership, Caring, Passion and Trust.
The client is one of the world’s most well-known travel management companies. The company focuses on “business to business for employees” bringing the best customer experience to travelers and travel managers. The company wants to improve business travelers’ experience of flight, car, hotels, and rail booking at its application.



  • 2+ years of relevant experience required
  • Previous international/global experience and proven success working in a multi-cultural environment
  • Business analysis experience, preferably in workflow and operations scenarios with agile development methodologies
  • Experience in collecting, analyzing, and presenting recommendations to management
  • Knowledge, Skills, And Abilities: Established experience in a similar role with moderate depth of knowledge
  • Familiar with basic database structure and design
  • Reporting and analytics for data management
  • High levels of attention to detail
  • Problem-solving, analytical, and decision-making skills
  • Keen sense of organization, delivery timeliness, end product quality, and accuracy
  • Ability to explain solutions to stakeholders as well as needs to technical teams
  • Ability to understand the product performance and adaptable to changing direction
  • Ability to work in an agile delivery environment
  • Demonstrates taking initiative and ability to work independently
  • Proven ability to interface between the business and IT – understanding the business requirements and how to translate them into technical specifications



  • Works following Agile methodology and in close collaboration with the technical product owner, engineering teams, and other technical teams to ensure smooth and coordinated deliveries
  • Create end-to-end user stories for product features and functionality including workflow requirements, process mapping, and optimization, system integration requirements, business logic and configuration recommendations, system delivery and design recommendations, reporting metrics
  • Captures multiple sources of data and inputs to specify requirements
  • Provides recommendations and alternative solutions to management for decision making
  • Provides input into project plans and activities and manages requirements delivery deadlines
  • Becomes product expert:
  • Configure, Manage, and Audit system settings empowering hotel and rate results to the Points of Sale using internal tools
  • Supports products delivered:
  • Review and recommend adjustments to the configurations based on the analysis
  • Ensure evolution of the proprietary tools in addition to the business-driven initiatives
  • Ensure documentation exists and is kept up to date


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Business Analyst

Our client is seeking a highly motivated Business Analyst to support existing product
The client is one of the world’s most well-known travel management company. The company focuses on “business to business for employees” bringing the best customer experience to travelers and travel managers. The company wants to improve business travelers’ experience of flight, car, hotels, and rail booking at its application.

We’re developing Business-to-Business-for-Employees (B2B4E) travel management platform, companies and governments rely on us to keep their people connected – anywhere, anytime, anyhow – and across six continents, we provide their employees with innovative technology and an efficient, safe, and secure travel experience.



  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Finance, or equivalent work experience required 3-5 + years of experience in product development, modeling, quantitative analysis, and project management
  • Advanced Microsoft Excel knowledge and expertise are mandatory.
  • Candidate must be able to use custom macros and VBA to create interactive dashboards from an Excel platform and use advanced features including pivot tables, lookup, and complex formulas
  • Strong Microsoft Access knowledge and expertise are mandatory Including experience in moving data from flat files into Access databases, manipulating data, and transforming the raw data into finished products.
  • Ability to argue existing Excel and Access models Graphic design experience is a plus
  • Demonstrated working knowledge of the travel industry and related tools including GDS and/or other technology platforms is preferred
  • Experience in revenue management for the travel industry, either airlines or Hotels is preferred



  • Proven technical expertise Best-in-class quantitative and critical reasoning skills
  • Outstanding organizational skills with superior attention to detail and follow through
  • Experience developing models and analytics
  • Strong presentation skills Strong consultation skills
  • Successful management of projects and tasks Travel industry knowledge preferred
  • Self-motivated/goal and process oriented; not afraid to ask questions when necessary
  • Strong interpersonal and management skills
  • Able to build relationships at all levels of the organization
  • Able to maintain confidentiality
  • Demonstrated effective oral and written communication skills with personnel at all levels
  • Ability to handle multiple and shifting priorities
  • Ability to work independently and also function as a team member Ability to think strategically and recommend best practice



  • Provides analytical support to Project Management and leadership teams by designing and maintaining internal business processes, performance tracking and measurement systems.
  • Conducts detailed analysis for complex consulting problems.
  • Produces accurate and timely reporting and initiative tracking.
  • Creates sophisticated analytics that support GSA requirements for the FedRooms program.
  • Applies specific knowledge of travel operations, database management and project management to complete assigned responsibilities
  • Keep up with industry trends and new developments and when appropriate recommend ways to incorporate them to improve the program
  • Analyzes the results of new program initiatives
  • Develop and maintain dynamic summary dashboard reports as required by contract
  • Identify, develop and recommend opportunities for program enhancements and cost savings.
  • Keeps immediate superior promptly and fully informed of all problems or unusual matters of significance and takes prompt corrective action where necessary or suggests alternative courses of action which may be taken.
  • Performs other duties and responsibilities as required or requested.


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Middle iOS Software Engineer

The company is a chain store of fast casual restaurants with over 2,000 locations, all of which are in the United States and Canada, operating with more than 140,000 associates.

As an iOS Developer, you have the opportunity of joining the project with several digital e-commerce channels, a large brick-and-mortar infrastructure, endless problems to solve and optimize, but organized in such a way that every person can feel their impact on both their immediate team and the company. You will be building new and exciting features, working with 3rd party vendors, both large and small, and working with a first-class team of developers, product managers, and designers.



  • 2+ years’ experience with iOS application/framework development
  • Background in Software Engineering is required for solving complex problems in an optimized, scalable, and maintainable manner.
  • Proficiency with Swift, iOS Frameworks such as Core Data and Core Animations, Storyboards, Auto-layouts, and Version Control (git).
  • Understanding of XCode and other Development environments
  • Familiarity with MVC and MVP application architectures and proper thread handling.
  • Experience with iOS design principles, dependency injection, and background services
  • Working knowledge of testing tools and implementations (unit/functional/UAT)
  • Experience with material design, implementing designs from wireframes and mockups to specifications
  • Comfortable with agile scrum methodologies, ceremonies, and tool suites (JIRA)
  • Skills to communicate and collaborate with other teams to integrate with REST web services, middleware applications, and data models
  • Detail-oriented, efficient, and capable of working independently
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science or greater preferred.


Would be a plus:

Working experience with Adobe Target, Launch or DTM




  • Review, design and build new feature functionality
  • Engineer and integrate new technologies into the ecosystem
  • Work closely with a small team of iOS developers of varying skill levels and experience
  • Integrate with both a product team and a design team to elevate the user experience of iOS applications
  • Prioritize and resolve bugs and defects impacting cafes, features, and user experience


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Architect with strong affiliation to Cloud and infrastructure

The platform is aimed at analyzing relationships between buyers and sellers and providing them with detailed reports and advice on how to improve cooperation. Also, it provides customers with various tools such as chat, calendar, task management system, etc.

This role will be responsible for solving complex technical challenges, and investigations, performing proof of concept development.


Project details:

  • DevOps: Git, TFVC, Azure DevOps, Azure AD, Azure CLI, ARM templates, Terraform, Helm, NPM, NuGet
  • QA: Jest + Supertest (API), WebDriver + Mocha + Chai for UI
  • Deployments: Azure VMs, VMSS, AKS, Functions, Kubernetes, Container instance



  •  .Net dev. 5+ years
  • Design patterns,
  • Micro services design 5+
  • Microsoft Azure 3+ years on hands on experience
  • OOP


Would be a plus:

  • Agile mindset



  • Working closely with the engineering manager
  • Managing DevOps engineer(s)
  • Leading infrastructure activities
  • Issues investigations


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Solutions Architect (JS)

We’re developing Business-to-Business-for-Employees (B2B4E) travel management platform, companies and governments rely on us to keep their people connected – anywhere, anytime, anyhow – and across six continents, we provide their employees with innovative technology and an efficient, safe, and secure travel experience.

Our client is seeking for a Solution Architect to join the team. The Solution Architect will help the team continue rapid growth, and create a better solution for client’s customers. In this position, you will be part of the development team and have the opportunity to design the next generation of booking services in the business travel industry, solve complex problems and deal with diverse technological challenges.



  • 3+ years of working experience as a software/system architect or technical leader
  • 5+ years’ experience as a software developer
  • Experience with mobile and web application architecture – advantage
  • Experience with microservice architecture design – advantage
  • Experience with AWS distributed cloud technology – advantage
  • Vast knowledge and experience with a variety of software design patterns.
  • Excellent knowledge on security – authentication and authorization market standards.
  • Ability to communicate effectively in English, both written and verbal.
  • B.Sc. (or M.Sc.) in Computer Science


Would be a plus:

  • Experience with Gradle, Maven, or Ant
  • Experience with Oracle DB, MS SQL, or MySQL
  • Experience with MongoDB, Cassandra, or other NoSQL databases
  • Experience with event driven architecture and streaming with Kafka
  • Experience working in a DevOps team
  • Experience with Jenkins, Rundeck, and TerraForm will be a major plus
  • Experience developing cloud-based applications in AWS
  • Experience with API Gateway products such as Kong
  • Experience with Microservices, Docker, ECS and/or Kubernetes
  • Experience working in an agile environment – Scrum or Kanban
  • Experience working in the Travel Industry domain
  • Experience working in a start-up environment
  • Experience working collaboratively in a geographically distributed or multicultural team
  • Experience building and maintaining mission-critical software



  • Serves as technical expert for software product development and/or purchase, addressing problems of systems integration, compatibility, and multiple platforms.
  • Gathers information about program needs, objectives, functions, features and input/output requirements to design application systems to perform well logically and physically.
  • Assists in post-implementation continuous improvement efforts in enhancing performance and providing increased functionality.
  • Accountable to design solutions that are compatible with broader enterprise strategy, technical roadmap and Enterprise Architecture mandate.
  • Produce relevant documentation for Enterprise Architecture review.


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Middle/Senior Angular Developer

Current development in the live well-used project, new features, support. The developer will be responsible for the hands-on development of our optimization product. The developer will be responsible for building, testing, and deploying front-end software using agile methodologies.

We are building software for crew management – training, schedule, accommodation, and powerful optimization.



  • Angular 13
  • RxJS
  • TypeScript
  • HTML
  • Unit test case with Jasmine & Karma


Would be a plus:

  • Experience with NgRx or NGXS
  • Experience with building angular libraries



  • A key contributor to the development effort within the team.
  • Apply software best practices and processes
  • Support the design, development, and deployment of technical solutions.
  • Maintain clear and regular communication with internal stakeholders.


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Senior Node.js Developer

The client is one of the world’s most well-known travel management company. The company focuses on “business to business for employees” bringing the best customer experience to travelers and travel managers. The company wants to improve business travelers’ experience of flight, car, hotels, and rail booking at its application.



  • 5+ years of hands-on experience with web backend technologies
  • 3 years of backend development experience in Node.js
  • Experience in high scale fully operational microservices system
  • Upper-Intermediate level of spoken and written English


Would be a plus:

  • Experience in MongoDB, Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Kafka, Rabbit, Redis
  • B.Sc. Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field
  • Experience with TypeScript



  • Design & develop new features in an agile software methodology.
  • Review code was written by others and holds fellow engineers to code quality standards.
  • Participate in architecture reviews and technology standards definition.
  • Learn new technologies and broaden your tech stack.
  • Ability to handle live production issues
  • Great opportunity to grow to be “full-stack” (web/mobile)


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Solutions Architect (Java)

The Java Solution Architect is responsible for the concept and design of new or modified software products, working closely with the Java Technical Lead in their implementation and maintenance to ensure zero defects and completion according to project timelines. They are looking for talented and enthusiastic people. People who want to realize professional ambitions while delivering the highest levels of expertise and service to our customers.

The client is one of the world’s most well-known travel management company. The company focuses on “business to business for employees” bringing the best customer experience to travelers and travel managers. The company wants to improve business travelers’ experience of flight, car, hotels, and rail booking at its application.



  • 7 or more years as a software developer, doing ground up development with Java, Spring Boot, and related web frameworks;
  • Experience working in a continuous integration environment;
  • Experience using a unit testing framework as well as related tools, such as JUnit, Robot, Selenium;
  • Experience writing software that follows software development standards and secure coding practices;
  • Experience with SQL and NoSQL databases;
  • Experience with SOAP and REST API development;
  • Experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript;
  • Recent experience in a technical software development role in the last 6 months


Would be a plus:

  • Experience with Gradle, Maven, or Ant;
  • Experience with Oracle DB, MS SQL, or MySQL;
  • Experience with MongoDB, Cassandra, or other NoSQL databases;
  • Experience with event driven architecture and streaming with Kafka;
  • Experience working in a DevOps team;
  • Experience with Jenkins, Rundeck, and TerraForm will be a major plus;
  • Experience developing cloud-based applications in AWS;
  • Experience with API Gateway products such as Kong;
  • Experience with Microservices, Docker, ECS and/or Kubernetes;
  • Experience working in an agile environment – Scrum or Kanban;
  • Experience working in the Travel Industry domain;
  • Experience working in a start-up environment;
  • Experience working collaboratively in a geographically distributed or multicultural team;
  • Experience building and maintaining mission-critical software.



  • Design, implement, deploy, and maintain complex software solutions that fully satisfy the business requirements;
  • Identify and help implement tools and methods that continuously improve the code quality;
  • Facilitate knowledge sharing and technical discussions;
  • Drive good software development methodology and coding best practices;
  • Provide functional and non-functional inputs;
  • Collaborate with the Business Analyst and Product Owner to ensure clear and well-formed user stories and clarify any prior defects;
  • Provide support for functional, regression and performance testing, and provide analysis and recommendation on improvements to testing and operational processes;
  • Effectively communicate (written, verbal) issues and solutions in a clear, consistent manner through appropriate methods (voice calls, email, instant messaging, and ticketing systems);
  • Provide technical support including issue investigation and analysis for production alerts; fulfill tasks that aid monitoring of production health;
  • Mentor senior developers.


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Senior FullStack (Java+React) Developer (focus on backend)

The client is one of the world’s most well-known travel management company. The company focuses on “business to business for employees” bringing the best customer experience to travelers and travel managers. The company wants to improve business travelers’ experience of flight, car, hotels, and rail booking at its application.

We’re a new growing team, owning a complex, central and critical system. We’re undertaking a massive modernization project including rewrites across the board. We’re looking for a brilliant Full Stack (Backend oriented) developer with broad system understanding and vision. Someone with the ability to understand an existing system in detail and suggest alternative improved designs. The ideal candidate is independent, self-motivated, results-oriented, passionate about technology, and sharp.



  • 5+ years working experience with Java (minimum 70% backend)
  • 4+ years working experience with different Spring projects (for example Framework, Security, Integration)
  • Experience with microservices and related technologies (AWS, Docker, K8s)
  • Experience with messaging
  • Experience with SQL
  • Experience in leading feature development end-to-end, working with all stakeholders and guiding other developers
  • Understanding of web fundamentals: JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Design, etc.
  • Experience with React


Would be a plus:

  • Experience with ORM – Advantage
  • B.Sc. Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field



  • Design & develop new features in an agile software methodology.
  • Own you deliveries from design, all the way to production.
  • Communicate with all stakeholders (Product, QA, Architect, Support, Integrators, etc.) to deliver high quality features.
  • Learn new technologies and broaden your tech stack.


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


Solutions Architect

We are AltexSoft. We are a consulting company. Every day we create solutions that solve our customers’ problems. Thanks to this practice, we have real knowledge and proven expertise in Travel Tech. Our portfolio includes more than 300 cases that we are proud of.

Over the last few years, we have become experts in Travel Technology. We help people around the world travel, build cool solutions for planning and booking airline tickets, hotels and more, make solutions for corporate travel, and even airline management systems. In our competence center we study the travel segment, experiment and even advise our clients.
Join us, because very soon we will create solutions for space travel.

We are looking for a talented software architect to join our exceptional team, help us continue our rapid growth, and create a better solution for our customers. In this position, you will be part of the development team and have the opportunity to design the next generation of booking services in the business travel industry, solve complex problems and deal with diverse technological challenges.



  • 3+ years of working experience as a software/system architect or technical leader
  • 5+ years’ experience as a Software Developer
  • Experience with mobile and web application architecture – advantage
  • Experience with microservice architecture design – advantage
  • Experience with AWS distributed cloud technology – advantage
  • Vast knowledge and experience with a variety of software design patterns.
  • Excellent knowledge on security – authentication and authorization market standards.
  • Ability to communicate effectively in English, both written and verbal.
  • B.Sc. (or M.Sc.) in Computer Science


Would be a plus:

  • Experience with Gradle, Maven, or Ant
  • Experience with Oracle DB, MS SQL, or MySQL
  • Experience with MongoDB, Cassandra, or other NoSQL databases
  • Experience with event driven architecture and streaming with Kafka
  • Experience working in a DevOps team
  • Experience with Jenkins, Rundeck, and TerraForm will be a major plus
  • Experience developing cloud-based applications in AWS
  • Experience with API Gateway products such as Kong
  • Experience with Microservices, Docker, ECS and/or Kubernetes
  • Experience working in an agile environment – Scrum or Kanban
  • Experience working in the Travel Industry domain
  • Experience working in a start-up environment
  • Experience working collaboratively in a geographically distributed or multicultural team
  • Experience building and maintaining mission-critical software



  • Take part in client engagement and pre-sales through technical consulting and designing of software solutions that meet business needs and follow software development best practices and standards.
  • Communicate designed solutions directly with customers, stakeholders and ensure that projects follow agreed-upon Enterprise Architecture standards.
  • Providing technology consultation to clients and development teams;
  • Develop and implement architecture standards, processes, and tools.
  • Lead the design, development, and implementation cycles on various projects, conduct design, code, QA walkthroughs, and reviews.
  • Lead Proof of Concept developments and support opportunity identification;


What we offer:

  • Social benefits: vacation, sick leave, healthcare reimbursement program
  • Educational opportunities: paid seminars, free access to the Pluralsight knowledge base, use of the library’s materials which are constantly updated
  • Development opportunities: horizontally mastering new technologies in internal courses, vertically choosing your own career path through Competency trees
  • Recognition program: all your activities are marked by points that can be exchanged for gifts to fit any taste
  • Being a part of a proactive and friendly team with a supportive evironment
  • Being mentored during the probation period


მაშინაც კი, როცა არ არსებობს შესაფერისი პოზიცია, გამოგვიგზავნეთ ინფორმაცია თქვენს შესახებ

ჩვენ არ ვეკუთვნით იმ კატეგორიის ხალხს, ვინც თქვენზე ინფორმაციას წაიკითხავს და შემდეგ დაივიწყებს. ჩვენ შევინახავთ თქვენს ფაილს და მოგწერთ, როგორც კი შესაძლებლობა გამოჩნდება.


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